While looking at Mashable for inspiration for a blog post on this lovely Super Bowl Sunday, this article caught my attention. It is an article about how Facebook has completely changed how we share information during the decade that it has been around. Yes, we all know that Facebook has made our lives so much more connected in every way, and it has also made our lives easier when we want to really connect with someone. Older users are able to reconnect with their "friends" that they haven't seen in decades, and our generation is able to remain connected after many ties are lost with the people that we are meeting every day. We meet someone, and the next day we have a friend request. It's great.
Half of the people that I'm friends with on Facebook I have only seen and spoken to once. Why did I accept that friend request? Why do I keep cluttering my news feed with the food pictures, engagement pictures, and selfies that I do not care to see? Am I afraid to lose contact with these people that I have met? In many cases, I am afraid... What was life like without social media? How did people stay connected?
The article reminded me that my cousin brought up over Christmas that he will have his high school reunion this year. First, it's insane that he is old enough for a 10 year reunion, and second, people still go to high school reunions? I cannot imagine going to a reunion over a decade ago. How did the invitation to attend find you? With Facebook, I can see many life events that I never would have known about until my own high school reunion in 6 years. I can see who has had a child, who has gotten engaged (or even worse-- married!), who has gotten a great job in the middle of nowhere, and who is still living at home working. We all take our different paths, and Facebook allows us to remain connected through all of it.
It's pretty cool and pretty scary... A never ending high school reunion...
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